How Blockchain and Web3 are Changing Internet Marketing

In the near future, marketers will have a whole range of new opportunities in the field of attracting and retaining the loyalty of customers. And also one of the innovations is web3 advertising This will become a new stage in any business.

Advertisers are already forced to change their strategies due to privacy requirements and ad blockers. Consumers want to control their online experience and not be trapped or constantly surrounded by ads. As marketers and entrepreneurs see that the effectiveness of traditional advertising is declining, they have to look for ways to monetize projects and sites.

How Is Web3 Different from Web2?

The Web 2.0 world is quite the opposite; it is centralized and heavily guarded. A handful of organizations have accumulated a lot of resources: they extract, collect and store data about each user on their platform and then use this data to increase their wealth.

Nothing in the world of social media, where most marketers are now entrenched, is collaborative and community-driven, despite how often platforms use the term “community.” On social media, one person controls almost everything that happens, which is the opposite of anti-establishment. Social platforms tell you what you can and cannot do, and if you break their rules, they may delete your profile and all content you create.

It’s a world we’re familiar with, so it might feel frustrating to enter a more open space at first. Where codes and innovations are hosted on the blockchain for free for anyone to use and share. Where ownership is shared between users, creators, and organizations.

What has Changed for Business with the Advent of Web3?

Everything you thought was valuable in marketing and advertising is changing, and businesses must adapt. Delivering ads is getting harder and more expensive. People are tired of being constantly sold. Not only that, people are tired of being a product. Creators are tired of providing and creating value only for centralized platforms to reap the rewards of their labor.

With Web3, the rules for doing business have changed dramatically. Now creators have more options. Web3 eliminates the layer of legal red tape and middlemen that go along with distributing content.

For example, if you’re a comic book creator, you can offer digital collectibles directly to your community. If someone buys an NFT for one of your animated characters, they can use it for advertising their restaurant. For now, it’s just a commercial studio asset that combines intellectual property traits with customer retention strategies.


Web3 technology will open up new business opportunities. There will be many more use cases for the opportunity to prove digital ownership of certain assets and eliminate the middleman. The arrival of Web3 is an exciting time for marketers to not only watch this all unfold, but to help shape the future.

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